About the Journal

The Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região is a technical-scientific periodical with a continuous publication, Qualis B3 ranking, made up of doctrinal articles, commented case law or other scientific productions. Its aim is to contribute to the promotion of legal debate and the improvement of justice, with a focus on the themes of Labor Law and Procedure, without prejudice to interdisciplinary sciences.

We have adopted the methodology of continuous publication, in order to give greater agility to editorial practices and increase the visibility of the intellectual productions of authors who wish to publish their writings for reading, study or research purposes.

The Revista do TRT 7ª Região was first published in 1976 and is available online. It is an Open Access journal, available on the main indexers, as well as being an important repository of institutional bibliographic memory.

1. Originals will be submitted for approval by specialists with recognized experience in the topics covered. The papers will be sent for evaluation without identifying the author (registered in the journal's electronic publishing system, Open Journal Systems - OJS) in order to guarantee a blind peer review process.
2. The originals will be sent to the referees, all of whom have a minimum degree of Doctor or recognized notorious knowledge, in the shortest possible time. The article selection process involves evaluation by ad hoc referees and the Editorial Board, which will select the titles to be published. In the table of contents, the sequence of articles will follow the order of acceptance, if no order has been defined by the Chief Editor responsible for the issue.
3. Exceptionally, papers that have already been published in foreign journals will be accepted. In this case, they will be subject to the same assessment as unpublished papers. The author must submit written authorization from the editor of the journal in which the text was originally published, together with a copy of the article.
4. Author: Individual responsible for creating the intellectual or artistic content of a document. Not to be confused with collaborators.
a) For articles with multiple authors, it is necessary to inform the order of presentation of the authors and a statement from each author authorizing publication;
b) Main author's minimum degree: Master's / Doctorate
5. Manuscripts will be published in the original language of submission, with preference given to papers in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Italian.
a) All papers will have their titles, abstracts and keywords translated into Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Italian.
6. The journal reserves the right to make additional normative, orthographic and grammatical changes to the originals in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language, respecting the author's style. Versions of the originals will be available on the system during the editorial process.
7. Published works become the property of Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7a Região, and their total or partial reprinting is subject to the express authorization of Ibict's management. The original source of publication must be acknowledged.
8. There are no submission, evaluation or editorial fees, nor will there be any remuneration for authors, co-authors and/or collaborators.
9. If the printed edition is available, each author will receive 01 copy of the journal.
10. The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.
11. The journal will classify the evaluated submissions according to the following sections:
1. Articles: this section includes texts containing unpublished full reports of completed studies or research and similar collaborations.
2. Commented case law: includes judgments and sentences selected by the Journal's committee and commented on by guest authors.
3. Reviews: includes critical analyses of books, recently published journals, dissertations and theses.

The Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7a Região is an annual publication, with continuous flow submissions.

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public leads to greater global democratization of knowledge.
There are no subscription, submission, evaluation, editing or publication fees.


The stratification system for ISSN n.1980-9913 is currently qualified for the Qualis B3 evaluation area in Law, according to the 2017-2020 Quadrennium journal classification, according to the Sucupira Platform Link.