Discrimination against woman at the workplace on digital platforms


  • Camila Miranda de Moraes
  • Naira Pinheiro Rabelo de Alencar
  • Beatriz Moraes Guerra


Trabalho da mulher, Discriminação no trabalho, Trabalho em plataformas digitais


This article aims to research on discrimination against women at the workplace on digital platforms. The aim is to understand how
the automation used by platforms can reproduce discriminatory behavior that can harm women in the digital job market. Based on
empirical research on the subject, the aim is to show which tasks are normally carried out by women, the remuneration they receive
and then how the process of recruiting and managing activities takes place. At the end of the research, the conclusion is that there is
discrimination against women in platform work, with disparities in treatment from hiring to pay, including the activities performed. It was also found that discrimination is favored by the lack of neutrality in the selection and contract management processes. The methodology used is based on bibliographical research, with the study of national and foreign doctrine, including books, magazines, journals, mapping of empirical research and other works of a scientific nature.



How to Cite

MORAES, Camila Miranda de; ALENCAR, Naira Pinheiro Rabelo de; GUERRA, Beatriz Moraes. Discrimination against woman at the workplace on digital platforms. REVISTA DO TRIBUNAL REGIONAL DO TRABALHO DA 7ª REGIÃO, Fortaleza - CE, Brasil, vol. 42, no. 42, p. 59–71, 2023. available at: https://revistas.trt7.jus.br/REVTRT7/article/view/146. accessed at: 20 May 2024.