The trade union movement challenges before the new morphologies of work


  • Delaíde Alves Miranda Arantes
  • Maria Cecilia de Almeida Monteiro Lemos


Trade union, centrality of work, new morphologies of work, labor reform, future of work


Society has been through great and profound changes driven by work, from the first steps of humanity to nowaday’s impressive technological advances. By the advent of industrialization, trade unions became important agents of social transformation, playing a main role in the conquering rights and democratic achievements. In this scenario the paper will analyze the challenges and difficulties faced by workers in the face of the new morphologies of work, the prospects for the union movement in Brazil based on the impacts of the Labor Reform and the changing scenario for workers and unions after the electoral victory over the neoliberal project of Right-wing extremist ideology in 2023.



How to Cite

ARANTES, Delaíde Alves Miranda; LEMOS, Maria Cecilia de Almeida Monteiro. The trade union movement challenges before the new morphologies of work. REVISTA DO TRIBUNAL REGIONAL DO TRABALHO DA 7ª REGIÃO, Fortaleza - CE, Brasil, vol. 42, no. 42, p. 93–115, 2023. available at: accessed at: 20 May 2024.