Digital constitucionalism and "cloud" democracy


  • Douglas Alencar Rodrigues
  • Luiz Felipe Gallotti Rodrigues
  • Rodrigo Gracia Duarte


Elections, democracy, cyberspace, digital media, big data, artificial intelligence, digital constitutionalism


The paper is addressed to know how new data storage and sharing technologies impact the functioning of society and democratic
institutions. The reflections developed here have as their theoretical and propositional framework the recent movement of digital
constitutionalism, a re-reading of contemporary constitutionalism in the light of digital transformations, since the internet has proved to be both a source of potential for the realization of rights and its exact opposite. Throughout the text, the intention is to highlight the risks to representative democracy arising from the unregulated and abusive use of these technologies, as well as to demonstrate the need to rethink the role of the state and the constitution in the context of the information society, in order to ensure that there is proper control of the limits of private and state powers in the digital environment and the protection of fundamental rights.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Douglas Alencar; RODRIGUES, Luiz Felipe Gallotti; DUARTE, Rodrigo Gracia. Digital constitucionalism and "cloud" democracy . REVISTA DO TRIBUNAL REGIONAL DO TRABALHO DA 7ª REGIÃO, Fortaleza - CE, Brasil, vol. 42, no. 42, p. 117–132, 2023. available at: accessed at: 20 May 2024.