Resignation in labor law

around the new n. 3 of art. 337 of the portuguese labor code


  • João Leal Amado


Portuguese Labor Code, resignation in labor law, imperative nature of the rule


The study sets out to answer the following problem: can the rights granted to the worker by mandatory law be validly waived
by their holder? Doesn’t the imperative nature of the labor standard imply, as a natural consequence, even if implicit, the non-renouncea bility of the right it grants to the worker? These are relevant questions for the labor standard, especially from the perspective of reflecting on whether the imperativeness or inderogability of the standard does not imply the unwaivability of the corresponding right.



How to Cite

AMADO, João Leal. Resignation in labor law: around the new n. 3 of art. 337 of the portuguese labor code. REVISTA DO TRIBUNAL REGIONAL DO TRABALHO DA 7ª REGIÃO, Fortaleza - CE, Brasil, vol. 42, no. 42, p. 151–169, 2023. available at: accessed at: 20 May 2024.